Thursday, January 21, 2010

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Causes and Solutions of Graduate Unemployment

It has been several months since I graduated from college, hell of a ride since then, had a intensive review for my board exam, then took the board exam, while waiting for the result which will come out in approximately 3 months I have been here and there, made a couple of trips out of town, been to a lot of parties, spending cash like it was water, then just last week when I was about to go out, it hit me.. I spent all of my savings! Then I thought “well I think its time to get a part time job”. Just to sustain my lifestyle. So I search all classified ads locally, but then to my amazement I can’t find any job that covers my academic attainment. All that was available where jobs for salesman, truck driver, etc… And here in the Philippines those jobs’s salary doesn’t compensate for all of your efforts and overtime. So I made it official, I was broke and unemployed.

In view of the fact that I was unemployed, I delve into the reasons of such fact, I found out I was not the only one. And my reasons were common. In fact a research shows that Educated unemployment or underemployment is due to a disparity between the aspirations of graduates and employment opportunities available to them.

Here are more Causes of Unemployment in the Philippines and around the Globe:

Lack of requisite skills to meet the job requirements of employers.

One major cause in the Philippines is the unavailability of jobs provided. With a growing population of about 8 million, a lot of people need jobs and only few are assured to have one. I’m sure this is also the case in some major countries consisting of large populations.


Unrest and violence

The lack of investors and businesses that could provide good jobs for people is one key factor in the growing unemployment.

Though the causes are so complex and it may seem that for some of our graduates that landing a secure job is close to impossible, here are some solutions to unemployment that may help us, base on research:

If your still about to go to college its common sense to apply for well established educational institutions who are well known globally for their quality education and competent graduates, this way you have an edge and often jobs may come looking for you. Also, select a course that interest you and which is still in high demand after you graduate. In short before entering college you should a full proof long term plan.

Be patient and look harder. Visit online classifieds ads for jobs, or see your newspaper, for first world countries your dream jobs may not be that hard to achieve, countries like the US have a steady group of well established investors whose businesses requires your expertise, just persevere and be confident. For third world countries, like the Philippines, try to consider working abroad, don’t rely in your government’s economic reforms, cause that will take you nowhere.

• If you still have the resources after graduating try for higher education, this will meet the standards of big companies that you aspire to be part of. Also this will give you an edge against other job aspirants.

These are some of solutions to graduate unemployment, it may be nothing or it may be everything you need to surpass unemployment. It all goes down to perseverance, patience and self confidence.